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Nature-Based Solutions and Circularity in Cities

Tipo: Artículo científico
Año: 2021
Editorial: Springer
Autor: Nataša Atanasova et al.
Cities worldwide are facing a number of serious challenges including population growth, resource depletion, climate change, and degradation of ecosystems. To cope with these challenges, the transformation of our cities into sustainable systems using a holistic approach is required. The pathway to this urban transition is adopting the concept of circular economy for resource management. In this way, resources are kept and reused within the city. Nature-based solutions (NBS) can be implemented for these tasks, and besides the circularity, they can provide additional benefits for the urbanites and the urban environment in general. This paper describes which urban challenges related to circularity can be addressed through NBS.
Palabras clave: Circular economy; Circular cities; Nature-based solutions; Urban circularity challenges; Water-food-materials-energy management; Circularity assessment